Creativity and Innovation – The Thirsty Crow way

Let me take you back to the age old story of ‘Thirsty Crow’. Once there was a crow. He was very thirsty. He went here and there in search of water. At last he saw a water pot. He looked inside the pot. There was very little water inside the pot. The crow saw some… Continue reading Creativity and Innovation – The Thirsty Crow way

Networking – A Skill of Winners!

We all have played Mario then Super Mario – the amazing video game. In my case, the center offered many games likes Contra, Spartan, Car Racer etc. but I always liked a game called, ‘Super Mario’. I liked its sound, powers, jumps and lot many things in the game. However I never wished my Super… Continue reading Networking – A Skill of Winners!

Way to 2011…..Happy New Year

IIM’s High Salary – Selling Trick for Common Man

Silicon India Reports: IIMs High Salary: The true story has a twist. Bangalore: As 2010 placement session of all the seven IIMs draws to close, it is being witnessed that the role offered to these graduates are more or less traditional and the salary packages are different than the packages which were making the buzz.Following… Continue reading IIM’s High Salary – Selling Trick for Common Man

Indian Education System – A Real Concern!

A lot is been said & discussed on the Indian education system after the very popular 3 idiots. But my post certainly is not around just the concerns raised about the pressure created over the students by the best of internationally renowned institutions. Recently, 44 deemed universities have been de-recognized and the newspapers say, almost… Continue reading Indian Education System – A Real Concern!

How Critical is it to be – Self Empowered?

I have been wondering since few days about Self Empowerment. And I have lately realized that it is critically important to be self empowered. In fact, self empowerment should be practiced as a way of life. A job, a business, a lecture, a movie, a shopping spree, an outing, a meeting everything needs self interests… Continue reading How Critical is it to be – Self Empowered?

Visualization for Presenters – A Healthy Articulation Tip

Articulation is technique and talent. Some possess it by birth and others develop it through practice. PowerPoint is an important tool and it is the first impression and of course the last one too. Visualization for Presenters. Yes, that’s the technique to keeping your audience from getting bored & sleepy. Many a times, the classroom… Continue reading Visualization for Presenters – A Healthy Articulation Tip

Management Education…The Brand Dilution & the way forward

Lately there is been lot of confusion in aspiring students related to management education. The privatization of education in our country and the popularity of management education with media creating hype about the kind of salaries being offered to the IIM graduates have led to a deformation to the image of an MBA course. Over… Continue reading Management Education…The Brand Dilution & the way forward

Teaching/Trainings – A thin line, a lot impact!

Teaching is a classroom affair. Training doesn’t necessarily be conducted in the classroom. Teaching enhances knowledge. Training is about knowledge & skills. Teaching is imparting. Training is sharing & exploring. Teaching is facilitated with books. Training is an art of explanation. Teacher prepares a chapter. Trainer prepares content & himself. Teaching requires subject preparation. Training… Continue reading Teaching/Trainings – A thin line, a lot impact!

Indian Retail Scenario & Formats!

Retailing is booming. Really! The Attrition rate in retail is comparatively high in retail than as compared to the other employment options in the industry. What is the entire concept like? What is the manufacturer’s perspective in retail? Why is special about Walmart’s Retail mix? What are private labels? How does value addition happens in… Continue reading Indian Retail Scenario & Formats!