How to Develop the Habit of Book Reading?

Let me begin with the fact that I have been a reader in the past and then I was just busy like all of us and then I renewed by friendship with books again. On a serious note, I am aware how habit of book reading adds perspective and meaning to our lives but I… Continue reading How to Develop the Habit of Book Reading?

Govardhan Puja: Thanks Giving Day to our Parents- Lessons from our Puranas

Today’s the fourth day of Diwali festival and Hindus across the world celebrate this day by performing Govardhan Puja. Govardhan Puja reminds me of stories I had learned during my childhood. In this post I’ll share those two stories and lessons from our Puranas. Story 1: Krishna was playing with his friends when he saw… Continue reading Govardhan Puja: Thanks Giving Day to our Parents- Lessons from our Puranas

How to Choose your Training Partner and Plan for an Out Bound Training Program?

When was your last out bound training program? Did you have fun? Remember the take away of your out bound training program? I am really happy if you do but after having met and spoken to several connections in the industry, I am afraid that we do not remember much of the take away. Reason,… Continue reading How to Choose your Training Partner and Plan for an Out Bound Training Program?

Developing Ownership

Business Ownership is a looked upon personality trait for leaders, team builders and those who are managing people. Taking ownership about things is a human trait. But taking ownership of situations, circumstances and people doesn’t comes easy. A number of business managers complaint about the lack of ownership among the team members. Developing ownership amongst… Continue reading Developing Ownership

The Little Things Which Make Me Happy

Have you ever wondered what those little things which make you happy are? Following is list of those little things which make me happy Waking Up Early Without Alarm: You know you have more time to finish things. Cuddling In The Bed: It feels great to cuddle in the bed waiting for the bed tea.… Continue reading The Little Things Which Make Me Happy

How to Conduct an Effective Training Need Analysis?

A number of Sales Managers complain that their sales teams don’t meet their monthly sales targets and this issue can be addressed by conducting a product training or a selling skills workshop. And they want this training program to be conducted as soon as possible so that their teams start performing and achieving their targets.… Continue reading How to Conduct an Effective Training Need Analysis?

Life Lessons from Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

It was around 7:40 pm when my wife told me about demise of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. I thought she must have seen the picture circulating on various social media wherein Jharkahnd Education Minister paid floral tribute to Dr. Kalam thinking he’s no more and I ignored the news. I was having dinner when I… Continue reading Life Lessons from Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

How to Wake Up Early?

I am an early riser and a number of friends ask me how to wake up early? In this post I’ll share the benefits of waking up early and some  very simple nut powerful way which will help you in waking up early in the morning. There’s one common trait found in all successful people… Continue reading How to Wake Up Early?

A Thought Well Provoked!

Have you ever thought why it is important for us to continuously improve ourselves? Here’s a Thought Well Provoked and my take on what it takes to be someone’s role model. Last week I facilitated a training program for the employees of IDBI Bank at their New Delhi regional office. It was a three days… Continue reading A Thought Well Provoked!

Lessons I Learnt From My Parents

Parents are our first teachers and we learn so many lessons from them all our lives. It takes many years to earn the experience they accumulate in their lives. They are trees of wisdom and it is very important to preserve their wisdom and pass it on to the next generation. Their experience acts as… Continue reading Lessons I Learnt From My Parents